A 40-Year History
The story which is Rebel Soccer has touched the lives of many players, coaches and their families over the past 40 years. Guided by a group of dedicated and talented coaches Rebel Soccer has made an impact on the college soccer community. The legacy of Rebel Soccer is felt throughout the Las Vegas valley and beyond as players became coaches who once again shared their love of the game. As would be the case with any story which played out over 40 years, there have been the thrills of victory and the agonies of defeat. One challenging time in the history of the Rebel Mens Soccer program came some 7 years ago when the entire program could have been eliminated if not for the heroic efforts of key members of the Las Vegas soccer community who stepped up and took a stand. This is a New Day in the history of the UNLV soccer program. Through the development of the UNLV Rebel Soccer Foundation the future of the program will never again be in doubt. Matter of fact, through the efforts of the foundation, and the entire LV soccer community, one day we can look forward to a nationally competitive program, and the facilities to match. Join the effort and get involved.
Welcome to Rebel Soccer!